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A bit about me:

I'm Max (he/him), and I'm out to create stories that make other people want to create, too. I especially love fleshing out characters and digging into the why and how of developing complex and intriguing worlds.

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I bet you're wondering how we got here...

I’m Max, a game storyteller looking to inspire and encourage creativity in others. I do my best work in evolving worlds with evocative settings and multi-faceted characters. My background is as fluid as my writing; I’ve worked and studied in many fields, including teaching, tech support, and music. I bring my skills in education, research, and organization to any team, along with a storied history of collaboration and cyclical feedback. My ideal project is an engaging puzzle with a supportive and inclusive team ready to work together towards a story that makes our players think, speak, and create. Stories that feature and center diverse characters are especially important to me, as a mixed, trans, and queer creative.

When I’m not writing (or researching for writing), I enjoy various forms of fiber art, trying new tea, and dancing with the zeal of a trained seal. My game inspirations include the Ace Attorney series, the Zelda series, and the Destiny series.

Please reach out!

I'm always ready to hear about new opportunities for growth! I am also available for sensitivity reading and consultation, as well as copy on a case-by-case basis.

Discord: maxcapacity#2380

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