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Collected Work

Here are a few linked examples of my work. An expanded portfolio is available upon request!

This will be updated as I keep adding to my repertoire! (Last updated: 12/6/23)


Sagacitea (Personal Project, 2023)

Solo Developer + Post Mortum

  • A 24-hour game jam project. Using Twine (Harlowe), I wrote and coded a short, mysterious experience with multiple endings.

Beast Breaker (Vodeo Games, 2021)

Sensitivity Reader for Jonquil

  • Working with the narrative and production teams, I worked from a stub script, providing insight into facets of trans-masculinity. I provided the team with comments and incited discussion on realistic and respectful representation.

Roadshop (NYU MFA Game Design Capstone, 2020)

Composer/Sound Designer

  • Working with a small team, I was responsible for all facets of audio and its implementation. This involved extensive collaboration with especially the narrative team to determine details on setting, characters, and major plot points. I used this conversation to write music that playtesters noted was catchy and fun.


Paying close attention to the style of themes in recent seasons of Destiny 2, I put together a pitch document featuring a plot summary, weapon descriptions, item lore, and more for a mock season: the Season of Reflection!

seasonal brief.png

In this example, I was asked to take 3 characters from different games and write a scene in which they're stuck in an elevator together. Written in screenplay format with a focus on varying character voices!

stuck in an elevator.png

Here, I collaborated with a fellow writer (Leia French) to generate and implement feedback on an iterative dialogue test. The sample focuses on dialogue as a potential guide for "off-track" players.

weaver dialogue.png
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